PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly)
"Windows PowerShell Cookbook" è un libro attualmente in fase di realizzazione la cui prima bozza è stata resa pubblica dalla casa editrice O'Reilly, purtroppo non è disponibile il formato PDF ma i contenuti in lingua inglese sono visualizzabili online in formato HTML all'indirizzo http://powershell.labs.oreilly.com/.
L'autore è Lee Holmes, un membro del team di sviluppo Microsoft PowerShell:
Lee Holmes is a developer on the Microsoft Windows PowerShell team, and has been an authoritative source of information about PowerShell since its earliest betas. His vast experience with Windows PowerShell lets him to integrate both the 'how' and the 'why' into discussions. Lee's integration with the PowerShell and administration community (via newsgroups, mailing lists, and blogs) gives him a great deal of insight into the problems faced by all levels of administrators, and PowerShell users alike.
Come tutti i cookbook pubblicati da O'Reilly il libro ha un approccio molto pratico e fornisce il codice di centinaia di script funzionanti e adatti ai bisogni degli amministratori di sistema di qualsiasi livello, di seguito un elenco dei contenuti.

Foreword to the First Edition
A Guided Tour of Windows PowerShell
- The Windows PowerShell Interactive Shell
- Pipelines
- Variables and Objects
- Looping and Flow Control
- Strings and Unstructured Text
- Calculations and Math
- Lists, Arrays, and Hashtables
- Utility Tasks
- Simple Files
- Structured Files
- Code Reuse
- Internet-Enabled Scripts
- User Interaction
- Debugging
- Tracing and Error Management
- Environmental Awareness
- Extend the Reach of Windows PowerShell
- Security and Script Signing
- Integrated Scripting Environment
- Files and Directories
- The Windows Registry
- Comparing Data
- Event Logs
- Processes
- System Services
- Active Directory
- Enterprise Computer Management
- Windows Management Instrumentation
- Remoting
- Transactions
- Event Handling
A. PowerShell Language and Environment
B. Regular Expression Reference
C. XPath Quick Reference
D. .NET String Formatting
String Formatting Syntax
Standard Numeric Format Strings
Custom Numeric Format Strings
E. .NET DateTime Formatting
Custom DateTime Format Strings
F. Selected .NET Classes and Their Uses
G. WMI Reference
H. Selected COM Objects and Their Uses
I. Selected Events and Their Uses
J. Standard PowerShell Verbs
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